The Best Time to Send a Newsletter and Why

There’s a best time for everything. You wouldn’t start a new job without knowing when your first review will be, right? Knowing when to send your marketing emails is just as important as any other task in your marketing strategy. If you don’t set a schedule and follow it consistently, you may end up sending all of your newsletters on Tuesday morning one week or Wednesday afternoon the next week. This could lead to readers feeling like they’re always getting emails from you at the same time every week. This can make them feel spammed and less likely to open future messages from you. But if you know exactly when your audience is most receptive, you can increase the effectiveness of each message by sending them at the perfect time. Read on to see how timing affects email open rates and whether there’s a best time to send newsletters that works for you and your business.

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The Importance of Timing for Marketing Emails

Email marketing has been around since the early 2000s, but in just a few short years, it has surpassed other types of digital marketing to become the most effective way to drive sales. Even though there are tons of statistics that show how email marketing has grown in popularity and effectiveness, the reasons it’s become such a powerful marketing tool are often misunderstood. One of the biggest reasons email marketing is so effective is the timing of the messages you send. Knowing when to send your emails is essential to getting them opened and driving the results you want from your campaigns. The best time to send an email is when your readers are most likely to open it. If you send your emails when no one is online, you’ll miss out on potential sales. And if you send them at just the wrong time, you could annoy your readers and damage your business. So it’s important to know the best time to send an email to increase engagement and conversions.

How Time of Day Affects Email Open Rates

Another reason timing is so important is because it can affect your open rates. The best time to send an email is when most people are most likely to open it. The best time to send emails depends on who you’re sending them to, but there are some trends you can follow to increase your chances of success. If you’re sending to a B2B audience, sending in the morning tends to be more effective. Your audience is most likely out of the office in the afternoon, so there’s less chance they’ll have time to read your emails. If you’re sending to a B2C audience, there’s not really one specific time that works best. Since B2C audiences are usually out shopping at all hours of the day and evening, the best time to send emails to them depends on the day of the week.

Best Time to Send a Morning Newsletter

If your audience is primarily B2B, sending an email in the morning could have a higher open rate than sending it in the afternoon or evening. When people are at work, they’re able to focus more on work tasks and might have more time to read your emails. In the evenings, people are more likely to be out socializing, shopping, and doing other activities that take away from their ability to focus on emails.

Best Time to Send an Evening Newsletter

If your audience is more B2C, sending an email in the evening could have higher open rates. If you’re a retailer, it’s likely you’re sending emails to shoppers who are out shopping. Your readers are less likely to have time to focus on emails at work or in the early evening hours. If you’re sending to a B2B audience and you want to keep your emails focused on work-related items, sending emails in the evening could be just as effective as sending them in the morning.

Best Time to Send a Friday or weekend Newsletter

If you want to send a newsletter on a Friday or the weekend, you may want to consider sending during the afternoon hours. If you send your emails on Friday, you could reach people who are at home on their computers or phones. If you send them on the weekend, you could reach people who are relaxing at home and may want to open your emails for a little distraction.

Bottom Line

No matter what time of day you choose to send an email, make sure it’s a time when your readers are most likely to be online. If you’re sending to a B2B audience and you want to send emails in the morning, make sure you adjust your schedule to send earlier in the morning. If you want to send emails in the evening and your readers are B2C crowds, you might want to send them later in the evening to give online shoppers time to open your messages. If you want to send a weekend newsletter and reach B2B audiences, keep your emails focused on work-related topics.

John Spears, Jr.

John is very enthusiastic when it comes to developing websites for clients. He has vast knowledge of WordPress and tools to make the user experience better. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with his family, playing video games, and creating content for his YouTube Channel.

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